Cyber defense monitoring solutions  

Description: Main monitoring solutions and techniques in cyber defense. Log and event generation for firewalls, IDS/IPS sensors, services, and applications. Collecting and monitoring logs and events. Intrusion detection and prevention. Learning outcomes: On completion of the course the student: * has an overview of the principles and standards of log collecting (BSD and IETF syslog) * can tune the UNIX logging software syslogd, rsyslog ja syslog-ng * is able to filter the network packets and generate log messages using netfilter firewall * knows different dialects of the regular expression languages (ERE, Perl) and is able to use these in the log monitoring * has an overview of the event correlation principles * is able to correlate events using Simple Event Correlator and use it for discovering and responding to attacks using different correlation techniques * has an overview of the network-based intrusion detection and prevention systems (network IDS/IPS) * is able to use Snort for intrusion detection and prevention
Cyber defense monitoring solutions

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